Friday, October 3, 2008

Oprah Winfrey's Grandmother to be Bailed Out by Feds?

Oprah Winfrey’s grandmother, Vernita Lee, says she shouldn't have to pay her debt to a high-end fashion store because its officials shouldn't have extended credit to her.
Can that excuse can really work!
Valentina Inc. have sued Oprah Winfrey's mom, Vernita Lee of Milwaukee, for the $155,547 in purchases and interest she had built up as of July 1 saying Lee had fallen behind in minimum payments… Posted by "Ask Me Anything Marketing."
Comments--from Durward Alphar, a six year old boy who could not attend the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy School for Girls:
Durward: Who ate all the lettuce?
Oprah Winfrey: Grandma did.
Durward: Why is grandma Oprah so wasteful?
Oprah: Grandma has diminished capacity. Granparents loose many of their marbles when they get older... Like Nostradmus.
Durward: The Feds should do a Bail-Out… Those immoral bankers, and the Wall Street tweekers, have eroded the retirement savings of our grandparents--and avalanched inflation... by printing ship loads of money to pay off the gambling debts of the good ole boys. You never see that sort of corruption on Sesame Street. So, bail out the grandparents--it will cost a lot less than $700 billion.

Is this the same Durward who is the kid with the cute photograph and who has the blog site: ? See the website : "Durward stars in the book "The Trons go to America" by Thomas Moore.

1 comment:

Durward Alphar said...

How do I start a new post?
I'd like to do something literary.